Indian Myna Birds - A threat for biodiversity.

22nd October 2019

The Indian Myna bird is a highly successful coloniser and was first introduced to Australia in 1862 to Melbourne as a means of controlling garden insect pests. Since that time the population has spread to be the pre dominant bird in major cities on the east coast and spreading west into rural areas.

Since 2009 there has been an ever increasing number of enquiries received by GBLC staff in relation to bird sightings in the Tenterfield area and what can be done to control their number.

The bird has been commonly described as a “rat with wings” and is listed among 100 worst invasive species worldwide by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2000).  The Indian Myna’s have the potential to have a major impact on biodiversity as they are territorial and aggressive birds that not only outbreed our native birds but evict them from nesting sites such as tree hollows and nest boxes.

You can prevent the population increasing by reducing food sources, restrict nesting and create an unfavourable habitat for the Indian Myna birds.  Population reduction control methods include shooting or trapping.  Humane trapping and euthanasia of birds is encouraged as the most effective means of control. Landcare has traps available for purchase and loan.

If you are interested in finding out more about controlling Indian Myna birds, contact the GBLC office