Granite Borders Landcare Committee (GBLC) is a not-for-profit community organisation focused on providing the communities of Tenterfield and Stanthorpe with information relating to natural resource management (NRM). 

GBLC supports a diverse range of Landcare groups across the region. Our organisation provides field days, workshops and information sessions on a variety of natural resource issues.  

Upcoming Events

Carbon Farming fundamentals and what's all this stuff about Natural Capital?

13th Aug 2024
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD, formerly the DPI) and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (NT LLS) will be teaming up to discuss what’s involved in Carbon Farming and Natural Capital fundamentals. This workshop will outline carbon farming fundamenta...  read more

Deep Listening to Nature - Talk

23rd Aug 2024
Deep Listening to Nature series: Talk. Join us on Friday 23rd August at the School of Arts in Tenterfield for an evening exploring the power of listening to nature. Acoustic Ecologist, Andrew Skeoch, will open our ears what birdsong can teach us about natural systems, how they function and ...  read more

Latest News

Regenerative Agriculture videos

13th December 2023
Check out our series of short videos on Regenerative Agriculture - funded by the Regional NSW Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.   David Hardwick from Soil Land Food   Rod Dowe, GBLC Committee Member   Simon McConville, local multispecies pasture expert   Farm P...  read more

Fire Ant Alert

10th December 2023
Fire Ants UPDATE: Fire ants infest around 600,000 ha in South East Queensland, close to the NSW boarder which poses an ongoing risk of new infestations in NSW. Most of NSW has been free of fire ants. A recent new infestation in South Murwillumbah is currently being treated, with the goal of er...  read more