GBLC - Tree Project - Ground Preparation & Weed Control

30th November 2021

Trees can be put to many uses on the farm. For example they can be used for: 

  • protection for pastures, crops and stock, 
  • erosion control, 
  • woodlots for timber and firewood, 
  • forage for stock, 
  • pollen and nectar sources for bees, and
  • habitat for birds and animals which prey on pasture pest insects.

You might think that devoting land to trees reduces overall production. But it doesn’t. Trees occupying
5 per cent of a farm, for example, can increase production by 20 per cent. This is because trees,
properly located, protect stock, and reduce soil moisture loss caused by drying winds, thereby increasing
growth of crops and pastures.

This 2 page guide provides a quick overview of fencing, row spacing, weed control and post-planting care.

Free to download: