Expression of Interest Form (fillable) - ongoing

24th February 2022

Do you have an idea for a project or activity that might benefit the community or the environment?  If you have, then download and complete our Expression Of Interest form and return it to our office either in person, by mail or by email.

Granite Borders Landcare Committee as a not-for-profit community organisation is entirely funded by grant monies, either private or government.  The projects that these grants can target are often wide and varied, e.g. endangered plants, animals and birds; improvement of habitat for native animals, creek health, weed control, pasture improvement, community health and well-being, to name just a few.  The nature of available grants is often driven by natural disasters, government and private sector priorities, community needs, and long-term goals.

By providing us with your feedback, we are able to build a database of community ideas that will allow us to better seek out grants that will garner your support and participation; thereby achieving the best outcomes for all involved.