Dung Beetle Dictionary - A Field Guide to Introduced Dung Beetles in Australia - 2nd Edition

1st July 2013

Australia has its own unique, native dung beetle fauna ideally adapted to feeding on the dry fibrous pellets of marsupials found in forest and woodland habitats.  Few native species have any impact on the dispersal of cattle dung in paddocks.  Unburied, this cattle dung fouls pastures, locks up nutrients, and provides an ideal breeding environment for pests such as bush fly and buffalo fly.  This problem was recognised by CSIRO entomologist Dr George Bornemissza, who proposed the introduction of foreign dung beetles to help combat the problem.

This pocket sized field guide gives a brief introduction to the dung beetle, covers 23 introduced beetles and their distribution, and has a short section on other beetles that may be found in cattle dung.

Available from our office.