Focus on Feathers

Birders and nature photographers can get close to birds and enjoy a leisurely wander through the resesrves. Over 80 different bird species have been identified and recorded at this site. This includes: the Turqoise Parrot, Diamond Firetails; Speckled Warblers; Little Eagles and Glossy Black Cockatoos. Established in 2010 as the Sunnyside Seniors, this Landcare subgroup has developed the bird reserve from a grazed paddock into a fenced site with multiple local native shrubs and bushland species to attract a diversity of local birdlife.

The Focus on Feathers group always welcome helpers to assist with the maintenance of the reserve, which is a sanctuary for birdlife to forage and breed in and a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the everyday.

Sunnyside Loop Road Bird Haven.
Tenterfield NSW
Ken Skinner/ Leanne Grogan
0412 276 362 / 0409 401 087