Wattle Day (1st Sept)
Wattle-it-bee: To respect or not respect this iconic Aussie Battler?
'Wattle-It-Bee' will be an informative day at the Landcare office dedicated to everything Acacia. Come along and hear some of our local talents talk about the various benefits of this resilient and robust species of plant. As the largest genus of vascular plants in Australia (over 1,100 species), Acacias have an incredible array of efficacious qualities and functions within natural ecological and social systems, including:
The role of wattles in landscape natural disaster recovery
Acacias as a useful pioneer species in regeneration efforts
Ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere
Their importance to insect pollinators
Their importance as a food source for insects, birds and animals
Traditional uses by Aboriginals for food and fibrous material
The cultural symbology of flowering Wattles.
Members from the Stanthorpe Rare Wildflower Consortium (SRWC) will speak from their wealth of knowledge of local Acacia species. SWRC have created our wattle book prizes . Sarah Caldwell, from Mole River Nursery will discuss propagation, seedbank storage and collection. She has grown our give-away wattles. Aunty Helen Duroux and Matt Sing will discuss traditional uses of wattles.
Raffle book prizes - Wattles of the Granite Belt and Surrounds (A Stanthorpe Rare Wildflower Consortium Publication).
Freebies - Wattle plant gift to all participants.
To respect or not respect this iconic Aussie Battler?
Location: Landcare Office, 45 Martin Street, Tenterfield, NSW
Times: Registration starts at 9:30am for a 10:0am start, 10am - 3:30pm
Morning tea and lunch provided
Please book for ‘Wattle-it-Bee’ at this link: http://tix.yt/wattle-day, or call the Landcare office on: (02) 6736 3500