Regional Land Partnerships Program 2018-2023 - Core Services

31st Aug - 30th Jun 2023

This project reflects a 5 year regional partnership with the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.  We will work together to collectively be responsible for delivering projects that contribute to the outcomes of the National Landcare Program - Phase 2.  This funding enables Landcare to support the community to participate in the delivery of projects including monitoring, evaluations and reporting and also provide communications to the community. By 2023 outcomes achieved will include:

1. Invasive species management has reduced threats to the natural heritage Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage properties
through implementation of priority actions.

2. The implementation of priority actions is leading to an improvement in the condition of EPBC Act listed Threatened Ecological

3. There is an increase in the awareness and adoption of land management practices that improve and protect the condition of soil,
biodiversity and vegetation.

4. There is an increase in the capacity of agriculture systems to adapt to significant changes in climate and market demands for
information on provenance and sustainable production.