NSW Landcare & Local Land Services 2019-23 Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative
10th Jul - 30th Jun 2023
This project funds the delivery of 0.5 equivalent Full Time employment of a Local Landcare Coordinator for the Tenterfield District. The Coordinator provides support and delivers programs to build capacity and connections within local communities and to produce on-ground change. Key deliverables include:
- Stimulate local community engagement and participation in Landcare
- Provide support to groups, networks, Land carers' and landholders to participate in natural resource management activities that address critical agricultural sustainability and environmental issues
- Undertake and support planning
- Develop partnerships and work to secure resourcing through project grants and other sources
- Monitor, evaluate and report on activities and outcomes
- Facilitate linkages between Landcare activities/projects, Local Land Services and Landcare NSW
- Participation in regional and state Community of Practice
- Work with Host and local groups to develop and implement a Local Priority Action Plan
- Work with the Regional Coordinator to develop and support the implementation of Regional Priority Plan