AGM - Granite Borders Landcare Committee Inc.
Commencing 5:00pm at the Tenterfield Golf Club, 288 Pelham Street, Tenterfield NSW 2372.
All current Granite Borders Landcare members are encouraged to attend. If you have an interest in Landcare or would like to learn more, you are welcome to come along as new members are always welcome.
Our guest speakers for this event are:
Andrew Ferrier and Rick Humphries who will be discussing and educating us on the outcomes from the Traprock Regeneration Farmers Pilot Project.
If you are a farmer or simply a landholder with a passion for protecting and embracing sustainable practices then, this is a session not to be missed. Local farmers, sharing local knowledge, it promises to be an interesting session.
Following on from this we will have a light supper so please do remember to RSVP.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tea, coffee and a light supper are included so, RSVP's are essential please call the office on (02 6736 3500) or email by Friday, 5th May 2023
# NB: Nominations to join the Committee are being called and are open to all current members. Nomination Forms and Proxy Forms can be collected from our office. As per our constitution, please note that all nominations and proxies must be tabled one week prior to the event, so will only remain open until Wednesday, 3 May 2023. If insufficient nominations are received for the Board prior to the AGM, nominations will be called for from the floor.